If you’re like many occasional
travellers, your caravan or
camper has probably been
gathering dust and cobwebs
since it last hit the road and
therefore needs a little TLC to
make it safe and enjoyable for
your summer getaway. These
are the jobs I always attend to
on my Trakmaster…
If there’s even a crumb left
inside, there’s a fair chance
that a colony of ants has
found it and made your home
away from home theirs. Open
it up and use a surface ant
spray around any existing or
potential entry points.
I use a good silicone spray in
these moving parts that tend
to dry up with lack of use.
The same spray is also great
to free up folding chairs and
tables, too.
You don’t really want to
contemplate what bacteria
might be growing in your fresh
water tanks(s) or plumbing, do
you? Drain and flush them out
thoroughly and toss in a few
purification tablets for good
measure if they are not new.
They might have been fine when
you last towed (or were they?)
but like everything else that
isn’t used regularly, joints and
connections can dry, corrode
or simply rust away. Make sure
all lights, including the tail
lights are in working order.
I learnt something recently
that most of you already know:
if you go through water while
your wheel bearings are hot
(after travelling) their seals
can let moisture in and
then trap it inside, causing
corrosion, when they cool.
Jack up each side, spin the
wheel and listen for grinding
noises. Then grab the top and
bottom of the tyre and flex it.
If you feel a lot of movement,
the bearings probably need
repacking. This is something
you can do yourself or can
entrust to any local mechanic
if you’re not confident. If you
do it yourself, don’t over-
tighten the bearings or they
can overheat and seize!
People often overlook the
obvious. Tyres left to go flat
can perish in the sun. Ideally,
your caravan should be stored
with your tyres fully inflated