Police don’t have a preference as to what kind of and removing clip-on mirrors is a real time-
tow mirror caravanners use, as long as the mirror saver when travelling a lot in the van,” he said.
provides a compliant field of rearward vision.
“I also believe it’s easier to drive with the
I, on the other hand, highly recommend the
Clearviews. With clip-on extension mirrors, I
Milenco range, specifically the Grand Aeros,
find I'm constantly having to adjust my gaze
which I’ve used for five years without problem. to make sure I look at the outer mirrors. With
These mirrors are shaped in a way that allows
Clearviews, I have one point of focus.”
air to pass around them – I’ve never had my
car’s mirrors ‘blow in’ when
passing a truck, for example.
These mirrors employ a simple
but effective clamping system
and are fully adjustable.
The Clearview system is also
highly recommended. Marty
Ledwich of RVeeThereYet.com
uses them on his Land Cruiser.
“We chose the Clearviews
Clearview mirrors require only one
mainly for convenience. Not
point of focus (pic: Marty Ledwich).
having to worry about fitting