Whatever you do, don’t miss the caves of
Stockyard Gully National Park, three-hours
north-east of Perth. A series of hard-packed
gravel roads off the Indian Ocean Drive will lead
you to a sandy track, best negotiated by a 4WD.
This track winds towards a carpark, from where a
walking trail through a river bed leads to a series
of limestone caves. The largest cave is 300m long
and pitch black – remember your torches!
Naturally, there are any number of other
attractions, towns and adventures to be found
along the Indian Ocean Drive. Leeman, Port
Denison, Lancelin… need I go on? The point is,
though it might look like any coastal highway –
minus the ocean views, the Indian Ocean Drive
connects a world of hidden sights and experiences
the likes of which only exist on WA’s Coral Coast.
Stockyard Gully is part of an old stock route
between Perth and Geraldton. The steep-sided
gully was a perfect, natural containment system
for cattle during overnight stops.
Geraldton is a large regional hub with its own
airport and plenty of attractions and facilities for
RVers. As with the rest of the Coral Coast, it offers
breathtaking sunsets and gorgeous beaches. It’s
also the gateway to the 120 coral atolls known
as the Abrolhos Islands, which lie about 60km
off the coast. Scenic flights and fishing charters
are available to take you to the atolls, which is a
meeting point for tropical and temperate sea life.
It’s also a breeding colony for seabirds and white-
breasted eagles are found in large numbers there.
Scenic walk to the Stockyard Gully caves.