GORV - Digital Magazine Issue #18 | Page 8

INDIAN OCEAN Magic! WA’S INDIAN OCEAN DRIVE IS NO RUN-OF- THE-MILL HIGHWAY… We were in Western Australia for a handful of days. Our objective: travel from Perth to Kalbarri National Park as part of our test of Jayco’s Adventurer offroad caravan. Our route would take us the length of the Indian Ocean Drive, which links the WA capital with Geraldton. The road was opened about eight years ago, offering a more direct route between Geraldton and Perth than the Brand Highway. And, in 8 gorv.com.au truth, it isn’t particularly scenic. For almost its entire length, the road is enclosed by dunes and vegetation, opening occasionally to reveal red, open plains that nonetheless offer only scant views of the vast Indian Ocean. But don’t be fooled. To barrel onwards would be to miss some of the best sights on the Coral Coast, from hidden hamlets to iconic national parks.