Dometic has launched the Waeco CFX 100W portable fridge / freezer as well as a matching slide . Features of the CFX 100W include wi-fi ( so you can control the fridge remotely ), a USB point for charging devices , multiple cooling speeds , low power draw and more . The new SLD95 / 100 slide , whichfits this fridge as well as the Waeco CFX95DZW , weighs 22kg and comes with heavy-duty telescopic slide rails and four straps with quick release buckles . The slide is rated for loads up to 115kg .
The Caravan Industry Association of Victoria has clarified that a hot water service in an RV cannot be positioned under the van ’ s fridge . According to the association , the location of the HWS has become an issue due to the prevalence of smaller vans being loaded up with more and more features . In it ’ s Vic Connect magazine , the association reminded manufacturers that , under AS / NZS 5601 , the flue terminal of a HWS is required to be clear of ventilators , such as a fridge vent , by at least 300mm .
Additionally , the “ flue terminals can ’ t be located within 300mm of opening ports , hatches or windows , or within 500mm of a refuelling point or fuel tank vent outlet ”. “ There shall also be at least 50mm of clearance between the lowest opening of a flue cowl and the roof of a caravan ,” Vic Connect says . The CIAV confirmed its understanding of AS / NZS 5601 with Energy Safe Victoria , the Victorian Building Authority , in consultation with key industry suppliers . If your van has a HWS under the fridge , the best
CFX 100W : $ 1899
SLD95 / 100 FRIDGE SLIDE : $ 479
DOMETIC www . dometic . com
bet is to have it inspected by a gas fitter for safety and compliance with the standard .
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