You couldn’t have done your fuel test (GoRV
#34) better or fairer! Of course, you know one
of the favourite topics at the campsite is fuel
consumption, as we all need to know how
much the fuel is going to cost us on our holiday
or how far we can travel between fill-ups.
To some, the cost is irrelevant, they just fill up,
but to many grey nomads on fixed incomes,
it’s of great importance.
I use an app (Motor Mouth) which gives me
the price of fuel at the service stations, and it’s
very handy to locate petrol outlets with the
cheapest prices. Sometimes, this can be as
much as 10 cents per litre in the same town.
Although this can be handy, we all know that
when we refuel with a caravan on the back,
ease of entry/departure is paramount and many
service stations are just not a practical option!
Stuart Wragg
Via email
I was interested to read your article on on fuel
consumption in issue 34. It basically confirmed
what has been the general consensus for
some time now.
My wife and I have used both full-height
caravans and a pop-top, and did find we
used less fuel towing the pop-top, but not a
huge amount.
One idea I would like you to explore (if you feel
like driving the same route to Traralgon again)
would be the use of a caravan wind deflector.
When set-up and used correctly, I find we can
achieve a fuel saving of between 1-2L/100km,
which narrows the gap back to the the pop-
top a little.
We choose to use full-height vans for their
better insulation properties (both temperature
and sound), and the enhanced storage
opportunities they offer.
We understand we are paying a little more at
the bowser, but we like our comfort.
Thanks for a great magazine.
Bob Murray
Via email
Thanks for your letter, Bob. I will certainly
consider your suggestion about replicating
this fuel test for the purposes of assessing the
effectiveness of wind deflectors. From
previous experience with them, however, I
believe they work as advertised, and I know a
number of vanners who feel the same. – Ed
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