The black Vehicle First Aid Kit is comprehensive . It comes with luminous piping around the kit ’ s front edge to help with night time viewing . There ’ s a quick reference card on how to perform CPR located on the front of the kit , as well as some colour-coding descriptors to explain how the kit ’ s contents have been categorised .
Three QR codes are also displayed on the kit ’ s front that link to Survival ’ s website when scanned with a smartphone . The website is a one-stop shop for restocking the kit , to access a comprehensive first aid handbook , as well as for downloading a first aid app known as iFirstAid .
The Vehicle First Aid Kit is jampacked with first aid items . The kit is divided into multiple sections , with its contents all labelled and colour-coded . Some kit items also include numbers next to the labels where multiples of an item have been supplied .
The ‘ Personal ’ section contains a first aid booklet which incorporates a notebook and a pen . Extra space has been provided in this section so you can personalise it and add in your own medications , etc .
The Vehicle First Aid Kit is perfect for travelling and packed full of useful items .
The Snake Bite Kit is one you like to have but hope to never use .
The Personal section in the Vehicle First Aid Kit has room to add your own medications .
The other sections comprise a range of first aid items covering hygiene , trauma , and general first aid . A CPR kit , a collection of dressings and bandages , plus some general first aid items such as tweezers , Band Aids , gloves , and an emergency blanket , are just a few of the things found here that come as standard in the kit . It ’ s a comprehensive kit to say the least .
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