GoRV - Digital Magazine Issue #57 | Page 33

The body features aluminium composite panel sides and roof with ABS front and rear sections . The canvas is Dynaproof with flywire screens and clear PVC windows . The camper also comes with a set of roof support poles that can be used in severe stormy weather , adding another layer of protection for the occupants in these conditions .
On the inside , the basics include a BMPRO BP35SI battery management system , 100Ah AGM battery and plenty of powerpoints . Across part of the back wall , the café dinette seating will seat up to five people . I was not too fond of the fact that the table hit the wall when moved around , though .
The Thetford three-burner gas cooktop with neighbouring sink are a good size and the Thetford 93L three-way fridge is easy to access and an excellent size for two .
The interior benchtops have all been neatly edge-banded , and the use of formica and laminex create a classy look and feel .
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