What he didn ’ t tell me was that he travels with some bloke called Murphy who makes things go wrong at the most difficult times , but I soon found out about him . It seems he ’ s had this Murphy fellow hanging around for years and he even wrote a book about living with him once .
I laughed when one of Lionel ’ s friends suggested I write a book but the idea grew , as my travelling days are over and I ’ ve lots of time to spare .
I ’ d spent the first part of my life as an ambulance and still had all the ambo fittings in the back . Lionel was going to use me for camping so he and his friends set about removing most of my ambo stuff and then fitting things like a sink , water tank , hot water unit , a single bed and mattress , plus a refrigerator .
They pulled out lots of wiring that my ambulance drivers had used to operate their equipment – I was a bit disappointed that they had taken off my flashing lights and siren as I had enjoyed racing along to get to accident scenes .
( More from this book next month .)
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