GORV - Digital Magazine Issue #67 | Page 59


As a full time traveller , I often get asked about the sort of communications equipment we carry , particularly for use in an emergency . Of course , we have mobile phones and these are fine for most of our needs , but their use is limited by the various telcos ’ networks which , we have discovered , don ’ t extend much beyond the populated centres . For those times when we are outside of mobile phone range , we have a satellite phone .

Now , satellite phones are great , but they do have certain limitations . They are really only good for making and receiving voice calls . You can send SMS messages but it ’ s a painful process using the basic numeric keypad . Remember sending text messages on your old Nokia mobile phone ? That ’ s what it ’ s like .
Satellite phones are very expensive to purchase and use , not just for you as the owner of the phone , but for those who may want to contact you . Even SMS messages are expensive . That ’ s because satellite phones are treated as an international service . Monthly service charges can also be very expensive , especially compared to terrestrial mobile phone accounts .
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