So you ’ ve got your eye on a new caravan . Great ! But wait , it ’ s not as simple as winding that caravan ’ s coupling onto your car ’ s towball . Not by a long shot .
There are numerous weights and ratings you ’ ll need to come to grips with before signing on to a new rig . This article is intended as a quick reminder of the main ones to understand , and to hopefully prompt you to investigate further …
Ascertaining the legal towing capacity of your tow vehicle is an excellent place to start when trying to match a tow vehicle with a caravan . This rating is stipulated by the manufacturer of the tow vehicle . It is normally found in the vehicle ’ s owners ’ handbook .
It might take some investigation to ascertain the towing capacity of some older vehicles . However , do not make any assumptions . This rating must not be exceeded under any circumstances . Your insurance company and the legal system would take a very dim view if you did .
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