Google search trends in Queensland over the past year include :
• A 190 per cent increase in searches about caravan safety ;
• A 34 per cent increase in searches about caravan weights ;
• A 60 per cent increase in searches about towing ; and
• A 122 per cent increase in searches relating to caravan payload ( national )
Queensland is home to the highest number of RVs registered in Australia ( 201,477 ), beating out the southern states of Victoria ( 185,507 ) and New South Wales ( 182,764 ).
In addition , total registrations of RVs have increased by more than 20 per cent in the last five years in the Sunshine State , with an average of 2333 new RVs on the road each month in 2022 .
No fines will be issued at these safety checks .
Jason Plant : " All RV owners and drivers have a responsibility to educate themselves on safe caravanning practices ."
Jason Plant , CEO of Caravan Trade and Industries Association of Queensland , said that the data alone demonstrated the need for , and importance of , safety programs of this nature .
“ While all RV owners and drivers have a responsibility to educate themselves on safe caravanning practices , the more we can do to support both new and seasoned drivers , the more confident they ’ ll become and the safer our roads will be ,” Mr Plant said .
“ We ’ re proud to partner with the Queensland government on this new program , which will see an additional 14 events added to our existing safety program in locations spanning as far south as Logan to as far north as Cairns .
“ What this means is that we ’ ll be able to provide support and education to more drivers , in more locations across the state , and to promote safe caravan practices in a highly engaged and interactive way throughout Queensland .”
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