When we arrived at Titanium , the wiring had already been fitted to the unclad caravan . All that remained was for the Sirocco II fan to be fitted off . This job is well within the wheelhouse of anyone who has ever used a screwdriver .
First , decide on the location . Remember , it ’ s about airflow and cooling down in hot weather . Typically , you ’ ll find the Sirocco II in bedrooms ; however , they can swivel to face any direction because they are on a unique gimbal mount .
The are a popular accessory for bunk beds , too . Not only do the provide airflow to hot and stuffy kids , the blue indicator light for the three-speed fan setting and the timer function ( three , six , nine or 12 hours ) doubles as a handy nightlight some kids would appreciate .
Speaking of children ’ s bunks , some people wonder about the open grill concept on the Sirocco II and if the blades are safe . Well , they are , which we know from experience . These are FingerSafe blades , and the lack of a tightly spaced together grill is another reason you ’ ll get more airflow off these fans than others that are on the market .
The Sirocco II is available in both black and white .
Once you ’ d decided on the spot , or spots , it ’ s simply a matter of drilling a hole through the wall or ceiling large enough for the positive and negative wires to be fed through , feeding them through the central hole of the supplied base plate of the fan , and then screwing the base plate to the wall or roof . You can then connect the wires to the corresponding positive / negative lugs on the fan , before snapping the fan onto the base plate . It is as simple as that .
The Sirocco II can run on 12V or 24V – it ’ s auto-sensing in that regard – and draws just . 35A on its highest speed setting ( 12V ).
For those not in the know , the Sirocco II is the original 12V fan that was in use on Aussie caravans . The three-year warranty is the icing on the cake .
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