GORV - Digital Magazine Issue #74 | Page 67

Access to power when you ’ re camping or caravanning can mean the difference between a memorial trip and one you ’ d rather forget .
There are , of course , plenty of ways to achieve this access , from a direct connection to a mains powerpoint , to a basic 100Ah deep-cycle battery . Or , you could consider a portable lithium power station . These are fantastic devices which , as their name suggests , comprise a lithium-ion battery , 240V powerpoints , an inbuilt inverter , a solar regulator , and even 12V and USB charging outlets .
They are usually available in capacities ranging from 1000W AC to more than 2000W AC – enough ‘ juice ’ to power most appliances you are likely to take camping . In this regard , they provide much the same service as a petrol or dieselfired generator .
We had the opportunity to test the Jackery Explorer 1000 Pro , a 1000W portable lithium-ion power generator . Here ’ s what we thought …
I ' d never used my toaster in the great outdoors before !
The Jackery Explorer 1000 Pro comes with two switched 240V AC powerpoints , one switched cigarette-style 12V point , two switched USB A outlets , and two switched USB C outlets . It also has a light with three settings , an inbuilt MPPT controller , as well a digital display which provides the battery ’ s state of charge , the electrical output ( in watts ) when an appliance is plugged in , and the input ( also in watts ) when it is being charged .
When the Jackery arrived , the state of charge was 98 per cent . There are three ways to charge this unit : off mains power – the fastest – via a 12V outlet , solar panels , or a combination of these .
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