As soon as we hit camp , the kids teamed up with their friends and we pretty much only saw them at the Windsor when they were hungry .
Meanwhile , the ‘ grown-ups ’ enjoyed catching up with the other parents and some quiet time while the kids were off on their adventures .
Each night , we convened around the campfire for a drink , a laugh , some music and trivia . Each family drifted off to organise dinner only to return to the warmth of the fire . We have a few communal cookups at the camp kitchen , too : Taco Tuesday , burger night , a barbecue feast , Curry Day , a wine-tasting afternoon , and the pinnacle … Lamb Day .
Lamb Day is synonymous with the Moonee Beach trip . The crew buys a whole lamb and slow cooks it over the fire all day . While there may have been some sampling of the lamb as it cooked , the day culminates with lamb and gravy rolls for all involved and plenty of campfire sides ; potatoes in foil with garlic butter are always a winner .
I loved giving my kids and their friends lessons in how to make campfire damper , as well as a camping desert favourite of mine , golden syrup dumplings . To my surprise , even the teenagers were right into it , saying , “ We are going to tell our food technology teachers about how cool this is .”
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