GoRV - Digital Magazine Issue #77 | Page 6



The article in GoRV # 76 by Marty Ledwich about risk mitigation was excellent . A bit more ‘ pre-risk assessment ’ by people would certainly reduce the number of incidents that we hear about .
Perhaps two things that I would include are :
1 . Compensating recovery controls : If I do get bogged , what can I do about it ? Use recovery boards , a winch , etc .? Sometimes , when you look at the recovery controls available , much of the risk can be mitigated which , in turn , has an impact on your initial risk rating .
2 . The other thing is what to do when things go pear-shaped ? Jack Absolom , who toured Australia in a Sigma , had an excellent piece of advice : first thing , make a cuppa – the decisions you make when the blood is pumping , and there is sweat on the brow , are often , in hindsight , not necessarily the best ones for the situation .
David Miller
If you have an opinion or thought about the RV lifestyle , or about this digital magazine , we ’ d like to hear it ! Email your feedback to info @ gorv . com . au
Yes , it would be great to get a check done on the weight ratings and limitations of cars , caravans , etc ., but there is no one place ( website , etc .) you can go to get all the details and options . There needs to be a site where you can download all the details as a checklist that you and the van or vehicle ’ s supplier can check before you drive out of the yard .
As an example , I ordered a van well under 3000kg . I stated that this weight was a maximum for the car . Afterwards , I asked if I could have a toolbox added . They said ‘ yes ’ and gave me a new set of specifications . The van was now going to be 3400kg ( don ’ t ask me why so much ). I had all the details of what my car could tow ( they did too ), and I said ‘ no ’ straight away . You have to be on top of what you are getting .
Glenn Sharp
You are dead right , Glenn . Don ’ t rely on any salesperson when it comes to adhering to your vehicle ’ s towing limitation . No them yourself , and stick to them – Ed 6 \