GoRV - Digital Magazine Issue #77 | Page 95

Usually , the kids are in their bunk area breathing up a storm ! The combination of three snorting children in a confined space , in addition to a bathroom about 1m from their beds , leads to humidity . A lot of it !
I ’ ve read of other families struggling with condensation and mould in this area of their caravan due to the high levels of moisture in the air and lack of circulation .
So here is our solution . We point the top bunk fan outwards ( towards the bathroom , so we don ’ t freeze our top bunk child ). We leave the fan on all night , every night , effectively circulating the air in that area . We have never had problems with humidity or condensation .
By pointing the fan on the top bunk towards the bathroom , with the bathroom door open , Kat and Stu avoid problems associated with humidity in this part of their van .
Next on the menu are my cooking skills . I ’ m not a chef by any means , but I can definitely appreciate the layout of our beautiful caravan kitchen . Our sink / stove , full-height pantry and fridge fall into a perfect triangle , which honestly makes cooking inside such a breeze . But cooking inside means the delicious aromas of my not-so-amazing cooking skills hang around our caravan like a bad smell .
In addition to having my exhaust fan on , I cook with my windows open to allow for a breeze . To assist , I switch the Sirocco II opposite the kitchen to ‘ high ’ and blow the delicious aromas straight out the numerous windows on the kitchen-side of the van .
People say they don ’ t cook inside their van because it leaves a smell , but I can assure you that even I , with the nose of a beagle , can smell only freshness in this van !
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