GoRV - Digital Magazine Issue #78 | Page 25

At the end of the day , many owners just have unrealistic expectations of their electrical system ’ s capabilities . Just because you ’ ve upgraded to the latest lithium technology doesn ’ t mean you suddenly have an endless amount of power available . Lithium batteries drain at the same rate as lead acid batteries for any given load .
I also believe many owners need to pay more attention to how much power they actually use . Camping is not what it was 20 years ago . We have to have all the modern conveniences with us . Mobile phones , smart TVs , internet , satellite communications , and even coffee machines are standard equipment for many travellers these days . That includes me , I might add !
All these appliances need power to run and while you may only use some of them for short periods of time , all that power usage adds up .
This 32in LCD television draws 3A when on . That may not sound like much but run it for five hours and it will cost you 15Ah from your battery .
Owners need to have a better understanding of their system ’ s capabilities and its limitations . I advise new caravan owners to go to a caravan park and do some trial runs without plugging into the power to see how their system performs under different conditions and using various appliances . That way you can run your batteries flat and not be stuck out in the middle of nowhere with no means to recharge .
It also helps to keep an eye on your battery ’ s SOC during the day . You don ’ t have to sit there obsessing over the battery monitor but don ’ t completely ignore it either .
I am not an electrician . Much of what I have learned over the years , I have done so through trial and error . I ’ ve also been careful who I listen to when it comes to seeking the assistance of others .
In the world of social media , everyone thinks they are an expert . Telling the difference between good and bad advice is very difficult . However , if you take the time to learn the basics of 12V electricity , that knowledge can go a long way towards understanding what ’ s happening to the battery systems in your chosen RV .
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