GoRV - Digital Magazine Issue #78 | Page 32

The layout of our particular van felt spacious , despite the inclusion of an offside club lounge . A club lounge is the default option ; however , you could opt for a cafe or L-shaped setup , or even a couple of recliners .
The array of lighting options , including remote-controlled LEDs , lets owners set the ambience of their choice . On the subject of aesthetics , Crusader has some new colour schemes available . Our van ’ s decor was a pleasing combination that ’ s part of Crusader ’ s new Designer Series of colours , called Forest Luxe Tea Tree . Our van sported ’ Forest Green ’ lower cupboards and ‘ Lana Grey ’ overheads .
Space around the front bed is unimpeded . Lifting the bed base revealed a clue as to how this van ’ s cabinetry locked together : extruded aluminium is used to join the outer frame of the bed base .
The kitchen does not feel like a compromise at all . Often , when manufacturers attempt to reduce the size of a van , bench space is the first to go . Not so here . There ’ s plenty of room to work with , and the kitchen gets all the expected features , including a recessed cooktop , griller and oven , a black sink with filtered drinking water , and a decent array of overhead lockers , drawers and cupboards .
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