GoRV - Digital Magazine Issue #78 | Page 41

" One of the first stops on our honeymoon was a riverbank site at Yandina Caravan Park . The spot absolutely surprised us as we camped on a completely private part of the park by the river surrounded by lush , green rainforest trees ,” Georgia said .
“ We were 10 minutes down the road from Wappa Falls where James and the girls had a great day playing in the freshwater swimming holes .
“ For the last couple of years , James and I have had demanding jobs and for a long time we neglected our relationships and the things that really matter ; now , we are exploring our own backyard and shaping our relationship at the same time .”
According to Brisbane Holiday Village resort manager Geoff Illich , James and Georgia are not Australia ’ s only honeymoon adventurers .
“ Bookings from young couples arriving straight from their wedding reception have escalated , with more and more newlyweds choosing to holiday in Queensland ,” he said .
“ We have seen a 300 per cent increase in younger travellers at our park in the last six months .
“ Many are foregoing the big wedding and the home deposit , and instead choosing an extended road-tripping holiday , some before their wedding and some after their wedding .”
Last year , Australia experienced the highest production of RVs since 1974 , which prompted a 19 per cent increase in planned RV holidays . Whether Australia is in a golden era of caravanning remains to be seen , but there ’ s no doubt that the lifestyle is more popular than ever .
Jason Plant , the CEO of Caravanning Queensland , welcomed hopeful honeymooners to the fold . “ The caravan lifestyle is no longer just for grey nomads ,” he said . “ The industry has continued to boom post-covid , and this has resulted in new trends constantly emerging and people of all lifestages taking up the lifestyle .”
James and Georgia are making their way up to Cape York , following the Queensland coastline , stopping in Yeppoon , Townsville , Cairns and Port Douglas along the way . From there , they plan to head west to the Northern Territory , experience Western Australia , and then travel to South Australia .
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