GoRV - Digital Magazine Issue #79 | Page 26

The A-frame setup is quite good . There ’ s a checkerplate storage box split into two sections : the offside section contains the dual 9kg gas cylinders , while the nearside is for general storage or whatever you ’ d like to place on the slide-out tray , which is handy because the tunnel boot is half taken up by a slide-out barbecue . One point to make : I really liked that the gas bayonet is mounted into the wall , rather than being left to dangle precariously off the chassis rail .
But it was the underside of the van that particularly intrigued me . The 12mm marine-grade ply floor is actually protected by a sheet of vacuum-pressed aluminium . Yes , that adds weight , but it ’ s worth it . On the same subject , all components are adequately protected by checkerplate , from the water tanks to the PVC piping , including the grey water spout which , let ’ s be honest , is often left unprotected by other manufacturers .
Our H-17 was a ‘ premium ’ version of the Hilltop H-17 so if you ’ re on a budget , there ’ s scope to scale it back a little , but in this ‘ premium ’ format , it simply has a great deal to offer in terms of long-haul travels around the country . More and more , I ’ m thinking about the van I ’ ll buy for a big lap , and I reckon this one is now on my list .
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