GoRV - Digital Magazine Issue #81 | Page 23

Back in April 2023 , we looked at how you should size up your caravan ’ s battery requirements based on the power consumption of the appliances you want to run . This month , we look at the various ways you can recharge those batteries , particularly when you ’ re free-camping and 240V mains power is not available . We will also look at the advantages and disadvantages of each method so you can make an informed decision about which methods suit you the best .
The good old ‘ genny ’ has been a method for recharging batteries and supplying off-grid power for years . While the small singlepiston petrol motor at the heart of a generator hasn ’ t changed much over the years , the other components definitely have . It is rare to find a generator that doesn ’ t have a pure sine wave inverter and some larger generators even come with a remote key start . All cool innovations .
Its important to have at least two ways to recharge your van ’ s batteries while free-camping .
Generators are available in varying capacities , sizes and , dare I say it , levels of quality . You certainly do get what you pay for . When it comes to just recharging your caravan ’ s batteries , the capacity will depend on the watt rating of the AC charger in your caravan .
For example , Enerdrive rates its chargers as follows :
• 20A : 350W at full load ;
• 40A : 700W at full load ; and
• 60A : 1050W at full load .
So for any battery charger up to 40A , a 1000W generator will serve you well . Once you start talking about higher-capacity chargers over 40A , you ’ re going to be looking at a generator rated to about 2000W .
Advantages : Petrol generators will run for as long as you have fuel on hand . The smaller-capacity generators are relatively lightweight . My 1000W Yamaha weighs around 13kg . I have found a 5L jerry can sufficient for my needs , with the combined coming to about 20kg . Generators can be used to power a variety of other appliances up to their rated capacity .
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