The Australian geologist who recorded the tremor brought it to the attention of the Australian Federal Police two years after the event . He was concerned after reading of the cult ’ s alleged uranium mining activities and evidence the sect had plans to build a nuclear weapon .
That ’ s right . Australia is so vast that it is considered entirely plausible that someone could set off a nuclear bomb in remote Western Australia without anyone noticing !
The Wolfe Creek meteor crater is a spectacular sight .
Australia is pockmarked by several large meteor impact craters , many of which you can visit yourself . Wolfe Creek on the Tanami Road is probably the best-known , thanks to the movie of the same name . Gosses Bluff near Alice Springs is another large impact site . It is estimated to be 22km in original diameter . As impressive as these craters are , they are dwarfed by two others thought to exist in Australia .
The Deniliquin Structure is located around 30km from the New South Wales town of the same name and is thought to have been created by a colossal meteor impact before the Australian continent even existed . While geological tests are still to confirm it as a meteor impact , with an estimated diameter of around 520km , it would be the largest site of its kind in the world . Or would it ?
Next time you visit Uluru , just think you could be very close to the epicentre of the most colossal meteor impact site on Earth .
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