GoRV - Digital Magazine Issue #83 | Page 55

Mozzies . Nothing will ruin your trip faster than a swarm of those blood-sucking blighters . We ’ re all used to applying insect-repellent and slathering on a soothing gel when we are inevitably bitten anyway . I am one of those people who swell – a mozzie bite on my finger will cause the entire digit to bloat , while one on my thigh will leave a swollen , incredibly itchy spot for at least 12 hours .
So when an email about The Bug Bite Thing , a curious invention from the US , landed in my inbox shortly before Christmas , my antenna were raised . This gadget promised to make that itchy , swollen discomfort a thing of the past , without the use of chemicals .
What a scam , I thought , scrolling to the next email . But then I stopped . What if it wasn ’ t a scam ? If it provided even a little relief from mozzie bites , perhaps it would be worth a try . I was skeptical and I almost relished the idea of proving wrong the promises made by this product .
And so , with Christmas in the rearview mirror , I headed to Victoria ’ s Ninety Mile Beach , my usual camping spot , where the mosquitoes are large and hungry . It did not take long before The Bug Bite Thing was pressed into service …
The Bug Bite Thing , apparently , made a big splash on the US TV show Shark Tank and , for a time , became the darling of social media . Essentially , it uses suction to provide relief from the itching and swelling we all typically experience after being molested by mozzies .
It ’ s a bit like a plunger . You place one end of the product over the bite , using slight pressure to create a good seal , and lift up on the handle . After holding for 10 to 20 seconds , you release the handle and , all going well , you ’ ll begin to feel that relief . Well , that ’ s the claim , anyway .
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