GoRV - Digital Magazine Issue #83 | Page 6



Can all caravanners and campers please clean up their mess before they head back out on the road ? My wife , kids and I arrived at our campsite in northern New Sales Wales , near Byron Bay , in early January for our annual holiday together only to find it strewn with bottles , cigarette butts and even toilet paper . Imagine our annoyance at having to spend the first hour of our time there picking up other people ’ s junk . We were also surprised that other campers in the vicinity had done nothing about the junk that was littered about the area . Everyone seemed happy to ignore it all , but we didn ’ t go camping together to dodge toilet paper and beer bottles every time we went for a walk . Please , it isn ’ t hard to put your rubbish in a bin . If you take it in , take it out so that others don ’ t have to do it for you .
Rob Pelton
A lovely man stopped to help me change my caravan ’ s tyre when I was stuck on the side of the Pacific Highway just north of Newcastle over the Christmas holidays . I am a solo female traveller and though I know the basics on how to change a tyre and how to perform some other basic tasks , I couldn ’ t budge the wheel nuts . I was on the verge of calling for roadside assistance when he pulled over to offer a helping hand . I was back on the road within 20 or so minutes and had my tyre repaired that day .
The point of my letter is to let you all know that there are still kind people in this world . We always hear about the negative , and so rarely about the positive . This gentleman saved me from waiting on the side of a busy highway , and I was very grateful . If you ever see the opportunity to help someone in need , especially while out on the road , take it – it costs nothing to be kind and helpful .
Karen Smythe
If you have an opinion or thought about the RV lifestyle , or about this digital
magazine , we ’ d like to hear it ! Email your feedback to info @ gorv . com . au
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