I ’ m a long-time reader of GoRV and always find something interesting or useful to me inside your magazine each month . I am writing to let you know that after many , many months of wrestling between buying a 2kVA petrol generator and portable lithium battery station , I finally took your advice and bought a portable lithium battery .
Following Marty Ledwich ’ s article on the Eco Flow Delta 2 Max , I finally took the plunge . I am still coming to grips with everything this battery offers , but I can already tell that it will take care of all my needs and then some – without the noise and fumes of a petrol generator . Unless I ’ m missing something , this battery is great . To have 2400W of clean , quiet energy on hand to power my appliances is brilliant , while the X- Boost function to boost the output to 3100W is incredible , and then the surge output of 4800W is beyond anything I would have expected . Thanks for the advice .
Damien Roberts
Thanks Damien . No , you ’ re not missing anything – it ’ s a great product . These kinds of lithium ‘ generators ’, in general , are the future of portable 240V power . – Ed
My heart goes out to Hans Bruitzman . His letter (“ Buyer Beware . I Mean It ”, GoRV # 85 ) goes to show there are some truly deceptive people in this world . While Hans arguably should have done some due diligence on the weight of the van before buying it , rather than simply accepting the previous owner ’ s word for it , the fact that the previous owner faces no consequences for his deception is an injustice .
This situation could have lead to someone being killed and it ’ s just a stroke of luck that nobody was . And yet , it could have all been avoided if the person selling the van to Hans had ’ ve just been honest about its weight in the first place .
If you have an opinion or thought about the RV lifestyle , or about this digital magazine , we ’ d like to hear it ! Email your feedback to info @ gorv . com . au
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