Keep in mind you may not store everything in your RV all of the time , so include the storage location on your checklist as well . That way , you can find the item easily when it ’ s needed .
Another effective technique is to use tubs containing the items specific to the categories listed above . Label the tubs and crossreference them with your checklist to confirm the tub ’ s contents before transferring the items into your RV .
Even if you ’ re a seasoned traveller , you may come across an idea or be given some advice that you ’ d like to include on your own set-up . As basic as it is , we find keeping a notebook or recording ideas in one of the myriad checklist apps ( Google search for more info ) helps us record what items we ’ d like to add to our checklist . Our philosophy is , you ’ re never too old to learn .
Even the last time you had your van ' s seals checked should be included on a checklist . Improper sealing will inevitably lead to damage – hopefully not as drastic as this ! ( Pic : Max Taylor .)
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Do you know when your van ' s wheel bearings were last re-packed with grease ? ( Pic : Max Taylor .)
We all do things differently , and some of you could be thinking you don ’ t need lists as you never forget anything . If you ’ re that type of person , lucky you !
But knowing how many kilometres our wheel bearings have done since being replaced , what spec of grease we used , or how many tyre rotations we ’ ve done , isn ’ t something we ’ ll remember on a daily basis . So having a service checklist is our go-to for those answers . No one ever aims to leave anything behind or forget something when setting off , so do yourself a favour and use a simple checklist !