GoRV - Digital Magazine Issue #89 | Page 4



Any thoughts on writing an article about towing with an EV ? These vehicles are beginning to show promising signs of reasonable towing capacity for small caravans . What is the best type of caravan or trailer ( to tow with an EV ), how do you overcome a 16V Anderson output for charging batteries and running three-way fridges , and are there any issues with unhooking for ongoing charging ? What are the aerodynamics versus weight ? How is an EV different to an ICE vehicle ?
There is plenty in this topic for a great article to educate readers on what to do and what not to do . Whether we like it or not , EVs are becoming part of our everyday lives and will replace many ICE vehicles in the not to distant future .
Bernie Slagtman
I completely agree that this topic would make an interesting article . You ’ re right , too , that EVs will eventually replace vehicles with
If you have an opinion or thought about the RV lifestyle , or about this digital
magazine , we ’ d like to hear it ! Email your feedback to info @ gorv . com . au combustion engines . There ’ s already an industry converting vehicles to electric for the mines , and I have no doubt that once the supportive infrastructure catches up in this country , there will be a major transition to electric vehicles , even among caravanners . – Ed
What is with the so-called ‘ gasless ’ caravan trend ? I went to a caravan show and there was so much hype around caravans that don ’ t need gas because they have ridiculously large battery and inverter systems . It seems shortsighted to me .
Edmond Redgraves
Like it or not , the trend is here to stay , whether in relation to caravans or the vehicles that haul them . I ’ m not sure why you ’ d view reducing reliance on fossil fuels as short-sighted , though . I ’ ve interviewed countless caravanners who have given up gas in favour of 400 to 600Ah worth of lithium , 800 to 1200W worth of solar and a 3000W inverter . They couldn ’ t be happier . The technology really has caught up to the point that gas is no longer an indispensable energy source . – Ed
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