The ' Robb mob '.
It ' s great having ever-changing scenery and new places to explore while still having a constant safe space to call home . And we ’ ve met so many traveling families on the road ! Full-time travelling kids become confident and efficient at making friends , plus they make it easy for their grown-ups to meet new people too .
You can often catch-up again multiple times down the road and the kids love having familiar faces to play with . We all share a common interest in seeing the country and valuing family time . Everyone is so friendly and supportive , although all the fishing tips we ' ve been given haven ' t helped us at all ...
A Muscats Life , @ a . muscats . life
We both grew up in families that camped , fished and had boats so it was only natural we would want to give our kids the same experience . We grew tired of the daily grind and feeling like we only
saw our kids in fleeting moments in the morning and evening . It was time for a shake-up and what better way than seeing the beautiful country we live in ?
The time we ’ ve recovered to spend as a family and enjoying where we stop has been the best thing about hitting the road . It requires a level of organisation but if you get it right , the chores of everyday life are much simpler and on a much smaller scale . Also , what ’ s better than having the comfort of your home on wheels to follow you around the country !
We ’ ve met so many families and it ’ s truly remarkable how many people are making their dreams become reality . Their genuine openness to meeting new people , sharing where they ’ ve been , where they ’ re going and why they ’ re doing it . This travelling community is full of families and you ’ re bound to come across some . We feel like we ’ ve found long lost friends .
Kate , Troy and their kids .
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