GoRV - Digital Magazine Issue #90 | Page 4



I just watched ‘ Caravan Warranty Hits the Spotlight ’ ( on GoRV ’ s YouTube channel and I quite enjoyed the episode , so I have subscribed and also downloaded the app .
We are new to caravanning . We started in February 2023 and are on the road full time . All was well for the first few months ; however , being new and admittedly not that mechanically-minded , we made sure we bought and researched all the ‘ right equipment ’ – in our eyes , anyway .
Why am I sending you this email ? Well , as you will see once you read our story , we tried everything : QCAT , VCAT , as well as our local federal members of parliament . And guess what , not one of them could help and some couldn ’ t care less .
My question is , why is the caravan industry not much better regulated than it is , especially since it is probably the largest and fastest growing industry in our country ?
There are a large number of families , seniors and others that are now enjoying a full time experience travelling this great country of ours and my belief is that we are being taken for a ride .
I didn ’ t post this in your YouTube video ’ s comments as I ’ m not interested in anymore heartache from the manufacturer , but we will keep doing what we are doing , including changing of the branding of our caravan , which has been more successful than arguing with the manufacturer by far .
Dave Gatt-Davies
For readers ’ context , Dave emailed me separately detailing the troubles with his van , which began six months after he purchased it . Beginning with the shower wall bubbling and the shower itself leaking , which rotted the timber behind , the story became worse when , as Dave wrote , the manufacturer apparently allowed someone to use the van when it was back at the factory supposedly being repaired ( although the shower still leaked after these ‘ repairs ’ and the rotted timber hadn ’ t been replaced ).
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