GoRV - Digital Magazine Issue #91 | Page 106



New data from Australia Wide First Aid ’ s inaugural First Aid Proficiency Report has revealed a startling gap in Australians ’ ability and willingness to provide first aid . According to the report , only a third of Aussies have ever assisted in providing CPR , while nearly half would find providing CPR the most intimidating first aid situation despite agreeing it is the most important first aid skill to have .
Further , four in five people admitted they wouldn ’ t be confident in their ability to perform CPR on a child or baby , while six per cent said that they had chosen not to act in an emergency for fear of making the situation worse , despite the existence of ‘ Good Samaritan ’ laws preventing legal action against people who act in good faith during a life-saving emergency .
“ Enhancing first aid skills is not just about feeling prepared for the worst , it ' s about empowering every individual to act confidently and effectively in everyday situations that threaten safety ,” Australia Wide First Aid COO Melissa Dos Santos said .
“ Whether it ’ s a snake bite , an allergic reaction or a heart attack , our goal is to ensure these critical life-saving skills become second nature to all Australians , creating a safe and more resilient community .”
Australia ’ s RV community is arguably at greater risk of needing first aid . So , given the overall gap in first aid proficiency in this country , it ’ s worth asking the question : would you know how to act in an emergency ? There ’ s no better time than now to register for a course .
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