GoRV - Digital Magazine Issue #91 | Page 19

The slide-out external kitchen , therefore , gets an induction cooktop rather than gas burners . I liked the fact that the water lines are permanently plumbed – no need to fiddle with taps .
Across the back , there ’ s a spare wheel mounted to the bumper , along with a firewood carrier . Sensibly , Royal Flair has placed the tank for the onboard combined diesel water / air heater behind one of the two jerry can holders , affording the tank a bit of mechanical protection .
Among the other external features , this van gets the excellent omnidirectional Cowfish Vantenna TV antenna , a reversing camera , LED lights all around , and an ‘ entertainment locker ’ which is combined with the control panel for the airbag suspension . Effectively , all this equipment is behind the one locker door on the nearside .
The 12V nerve centre is found in a locker on the offside , behind a door with filtered vent and compression seals . It contains two MPPT solar regulators as well as a DC-DC charger – all Enerdrive equipment .
So yes , while the EM18 is a heavy van , especially for an 18-footer , it ’ s worth looking beneath the skin . This is a substantial build with seemingly no end to the features and equipment .
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