GoRV - Digital Magazine Issue #91 | Page 22

Though it ’ s a weighty caravan , the EM18 is undeniably strong and well thought-out . I suspect the elevated bed system won ’ t suit everyone , but I have always thought they represented a versatile use of space .
No corner of this van is wasted – everything serves a purpose . I am , however , interested to see how the use of Thinscape is welcomed by customers . On the face of it , it seems like a winner , given its durability . Personally , though , I ’ d prefer some other means of accessing the washing machine – as I mentioned , the Thinscape insert is a little heavy . That said , there ’ s no denying that it looks great and will outlast dust .
What are this van ’ s highlights ? The 12V system , for one , including the stacked solar array . I also appreciate the bed setup , the arrangement of storage nooks , and the level of protection afforded to all vulnerable components underneath . The Royal Flair EM18 is a sincere offroad , off-grid lifestyle caravan that brooks very few compromises .
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