GoRV - Digital Magazine Issue #91 | Page 30

Asked what she had learned from her awful experience – a lesson to apply next time – Sylwia readily admitted that she should not have paid the outstanding balance on her caravan without seeing it with her own two eyes . However , as she said , she was outright lied to . Other customers , according to reports , had also paid for their van in full after being lied to .
Some Tango customers have lost everything . Some found themselves in short-term accommodation when they realised the van they were counting on would not eventuate . The mental health of others has been impacted .
In human terms , the scale of the tragedy is simply immense . We don ’ t yet know all the details of what happened but will report back when we do . According to public reports , however , we do know that Tango Caravans had significant debts , including with suppliers and the manufacturers that built Tango ’ s vans . It seems unlikely that customers will receive all of their money back , if any at all , but Sylwia is not without hope , nor is she without fighting spirit .
At GoRV , we sincerely wish her and all Tango customers who through no fault of their own find themselves in the same position , all the best .
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