GoRV - Digital Magazine Issue #91 | Page 4



Thank you for including the safety comments in your last edition ' s editorial . A timely reminder .
I wrote to GoRV a couple of weeks ago about the Hughenden , Qld , incident as I was a direct witness to it . There have been varied reports of the incident , some not fully accurate , but nothing comes close to the impact it had on the victims and those close to the event .
There were two families with young children in close proximity of the stolen van who were highly traumatised by the experience . We supported each other as much as we could . It was horrific and I am still reliving it .
What the park owners , the shire and managers , who were fantastic on the night , can do to improve security will require a significant review . Police input will be invaluable . Learning from other parks is important . Consumer input must be considered .
If you have an opinion or thought about the RV lifestyle , or about this digital
magazine , we ’ d like to hear it ! Email your feedback to info @ gorv . com . au
The experienced park managers must have been in shock . I feel for them . Nobody can script what to do in this sort of scenario . Despite the initial chaos , we were well supported by them .
Media reports indicate they have caught those responsible . Hopefully they will receive the consequences they deserve .
Our learning : don ' t leave the spare car key in easy reach / view in the van , lock all doors and windows when out , and lock the door at night .
Hans Hoekman
Thanks for your email , Hans . I am relieved to hear that everyone was well supported . For context , Hans is referring to an August 19 incident in which a family awoke inside their van – which was still hitched to their car – because it was moving . Someone had broken into the tow vehicle and was in the process of stealing the vehicle and van with the family still inside . Absolutely shocking stuff . An 18- year-old has been arrested and is facing serious charges . Everyone , please take security seriously . – Ed
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