GoRV - Digital Magazine Issue #94 | Page 10

This framing material might be new to our shores but it is used in caravan manufacturing in Europe . It is 40 per cent lighter than meranti , flexible , and can be screwed , stapled and bolted just like meranti . But unlike meranti , it won ’ t rot . Of course , a merantibuilt caravan that ’ s been properly sealed and had its seals maintained over time should also last a lifetime , but life isn ’ t always perfect .
As I explored this caravan , I discovered some spare lengths of polyurethane in the vans tunnel boot . Attempting to break it over my knee , I couldn ’ t do it . I agree with Concept : it ’ s a strong material .
The van itself is built atop a painted SupaGal 6in RHS chassis ( with optional 2in raiser ) by RV Dynamics , Concept ’ s own chassis manufacturing company . One thing to note about Concept : it builds all structural components in-house . The van ’ s running gear , of course , is supplied , as are all the appliances , but when it comes to the body of the van , including the chassis , Concept does it all . By controlling each of these aspects , Concept believes it can build better vans – simple as that .
A number of things about this van ’ s exterior immediately caught my eye . First , I ’ ll point out the treatment given to the gas cylinders inside a checkerplate box on the A-frame . The regulator protrudes slightly out of the top of the box , but it ’ s neatly protected by more checkerplate , with all edges finished with pinch weld . I realise this seems like a small thing … but you ’ d be surprised by how ‘ unfinished ’ gas cylinders and their regulators can seem on some vans . Here , we have a professional , thoughtful finish .
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