Although my car was bouncing around , I noticed by looking in my mirrors that my van was managing to stay nice and flat . In a real-world situation , this is really important because the last thing you want to do when you get to camp is pick up the contents of your cupboards from the ground and have to put them away again . Instead of the van bouncing around , the suspension was actuating and keeping the van steady .
I crawled out the other side nice and easy , and as I pulled up to the next crossing , I realised that I had done the first crossing in 2WD . This showed again how easy it was to pull the van through the water .
I pulled through the following crossings with ease , arrived at my site and decided to have a look through the interior . The first thing I noticed was the amount of natural light . There are plenty of large windows , allowing for lots of airflow and light . The interior design is also light and bright , which makes the space feel open and airy . This is important in a caravan because they can quickly start to feel tight and claustrophobic , especially singleaxle vans .
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