I was so tired of this happening to us that I did some experimenting and found that amber LED lights did not attract nearly as many bugs as the white ones do . In fact , by fitting amber LED lights to the inside and outside of our van , we have reduced the number of unwelcome visitors by as much as 90 per cent .
So when you ’ re talking to your caravan manufacturer about your new van , tell them to keep their fancy blue lights and fit a couple of amber lights so you can see inside your van at night and minimise the number of uninvited guests .
A typical night in tropical Australia using white lights and attracting bugs .
We specified external flood lights that can be amber or white .
SHARE WITH OTHERS ! Tell us about your experiences .
This is by no means an exhaustive list of the things you should be looking for when buying a new van but they will ensure you don ’ t end up with some simple flaw that ruins the experience for you .
If you have any buying tips you ’ d like to share with our readers , please send them to us at info @ gorv . com . au
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