Way back , and I mean way back when I was a teenager out camping with my mates for the weekend , we relied on a trusty old Esky , or chillie bin , or ice box , whatever you want to call them , to keep our food and drinks cold . Well , at least colder than the ambient temperatures , which was the best they could do after a few days of opening and closing to retrieve the contents .
We had simple requirements and simple foods . We were a happy bunch of guys who spent a few days at a time out in the bush or at the beach .
Fast forward to my early 20s ( 1990 , to be exact ), and I had almost finished working on my very first touring setup , nearly ready to tackle a one-year lap of Australia – my dream come true . There was no way I would rely on the Esky , so I put my money down on a brand-new 12V fridge . There weren ’ t many brands to choose from back then ; Engel was ‘ the ’ name , so my decision was easy . Funnily enough , that same fridge is still in one of my 4x4s to this day and still keeps cold whatever I throw in it .
The power to run a large fridge-freezer is essential .
Even though this huge camping trip and my touring setup was the flashiest I ' d ever seen , my meals and drinks were still pretty basic – beer , meat , a bit of salad at times , and , well , to be honest , I can ' t remember what else I survived on back then . Given it was just me and my simplistic food and drink needs , the 40L single-zone fridge was better than anything I ’ d owned .
Fast-forward some 30 years : not only have my food and beverage wants advanced – it ’ s still a beer for me at the end of my knuckledragging day – but I also needed to cater for my fairer half and deal with the needs of extended remote-area touring in my latest touring 4x4 setup .
I know they are not new to the scene , but I decided a large fridgefreezer would be the best fit for our converted 4x4 HiAce van .
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