There were a few considerations to negotiate prior to picking a brand , size and door orientation . Most importantly , powering a large-sized fridge-freezer is more power-draining than my old smallsized single-zone fridge .
Current lithium battery and charging technology is a far cry from my old lead-acid deep cycle , rudimentary solenoid-style dual battery system . Not only do lithium batteries ( of equivalent size ) last longer than lead-acid batteries , they also charge up faster and can be charged more easily via the alternator or solar .
Extra remote solar panels help keep our system charged .
Before choosing your fridgefreezer , be sure you have an adequate power setup . Not being able to keep a freezer running may see a lot of expensive food ruined as it defrosts into what will become an expensive Esky , chillie bin or ice box .
The system I have ended up with in our remote touring 4x4 van comprises a 400Ah lithium battery bank , fixed solar panels on the roof , and a secondary solar blanket if an extra boost of charge is needed .
Why so much ? Not only to ensure the constant running of the fridge freezer , but we also dabble with induction cooking , which is a large power drain , but perhaps more on that another time .
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