Let ’ s not forget the small indulgences , the treats , and the extravagance of what is usually the realm of a home-based freezer – ice cream ! Yep , we occasionally lash out while on the road and buy a pack of ice creams to stock in the freezer . Knowing that after a delicious cooked meal , while reclining in our camp chairs counting shooting stars , I can saunter into the camper with the offerings of a yummy frozen treat , is pure luxury to me . Yeah , I know this is hardly a necessity or a must-have item while out camping , but we figured we ’ ve earned it , so we take advantage of the ability to cart frozen foods .
Our chosen fridge is a 96L myCOOLMAN dual zone fridgefreezer , split 41 and 55L with either section able to be either fridge , freezer or both at a time . It has fulfilled all our requirements and has reconfigurable doors , which can open from either side . That allows it to function efficiently and perfectly fit with our interior setup . The small LED interior lights in each bin also makes fishing around for food at night easier . However , they shine in my eyes rather than down at the food , so the manufacturer could consider an alternative way to light up the interior .
When tripping remote , it ' s quite comforting to know you have more than enough food and drinks . To know that , should you either purposely extend your stay or , in the unfortunate event , suffer a breakdown or some other unintentional delay , you have a higher chance of not needing to restock . That backup of food and drinks is ultimately a survival fallback if needed .
The myCoolman fridge-freezer has transformed how we eat on the road . It has allowed us to stock up at our leisure rather than relying on unknown , second-rate food sources while remote . Plus , it allows those remote trips to last longer with more and better food .
Remote touring is our penchant and requires good stocks of food and water .
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