Ultimately , not only do we have more and better quality food , we save money by purchasing when we decide to rather than when we have to . That doesn ' t always mean only shopping at large supermarkets in large towns . No siree : we have the ability to buy fresh produce from side-of-theroad farm outlets . Think here : salad items , eggs , or even small treats that must all be refrigerated to keep them best . Because we have fridge space , when we see quality food , we grab it and enjoy mixing it with whatever meals we have in the freezer .
Overall , I ' m not sure I could or would want to go back to a singlezone fridge after experiencing the luxuries of a fridge-freezer .
Ice cream … don ’ t forget , we can now eat ice cream anywhere we choose . Double choc chip is my choice , in case you were wondering !
Keep in mind that the fuller you keep both the fridge and freezer sections , the less the compressor tends to cycle , resulting in less power drain . More food and less power is a win-win .
An easily accessible dual-door design .
Perfectly packed to the brim makes for long-lasting food and the best compressor run times .
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